What craft fairs to visit in and around Nottingham?
We have recently started attending a range of craft fairs in and around Nottingham. From the garage in Chilwell to The Stalls in West Bridgford, there are a number of new and exciting craft fairs to visit if your in Nottingham. Next week on the 8th of July we will be attending The Stockyard in Melton Mowbray. We are looking forward to a nice day out displaying our new bags and eating some nice food. We really enjoy the markets we do as it’s a nice day out for us meeting new people and tasting new foods. We also meet many future customers that will remember our bags and hopefully keep in touch across the year so we can make them something they will treasure. That’s the nice thing about craft fairs rather than high st shopping, you go to build a relationship with a community of people rather than just to make a purchase. We are looking forward to being able to attend more events in 2024 as we can only do a few this year buts if you want to know about future dates keep in touch and subscribe to our emails. See you out there……